Sunday, July 14, 2013

a wonderful, wonderful week.

What? Two posts in one week. Crazy, I know. But last week was quite possibly one of the best weeks of my life and I should probably write about good things as they come along. I feel like there weren't any ridiculous, extravagant moments in the week, but it was just solid. Here's why.

Sunday started the week off right at a Cubs game. I'm not really that into sports, but baseball games are FUN. Not in the overwhelming kind of way, but in the I'm-going-to-sit-outside-for-a-couple-hours-and- half-heartedly-watch-this-while-talking-to-friends kind of way. And I had a Chicago Dog which was delicious. It was a very American experience.

Perfect Chicago Dog: Poppyseed bun, fresh tomato, relish, peppers, grilled onions. NO KETCHUP.
....and the Cubs won!

This past week my team had the opportunity to serve alongside Bethel House of Prayer as they started off four weeks of VBS. I think VBS is a great way to not only serve the children in your congregation, but provide affordable childcare for everyone in your community. It brings in such a diverse group!

I   L O V E D my group of girls. My teammate, Jessica, and I worked with Primary Girls age six to eight. The first day I was unsure of what to do with all that personality. We went around the table introducing ourselves and saying what we liked to do. Here are some prime examples:

"I'm Serenity and I like to walk the runway." (Poses)

"I'm Jada and I'm a diva."
(Pretends to check her reflection.)

And when one of the leaders, DD, said she liked to shop, a girl responded "You go honey-boo-boo child." Three or four times.

But as the day and week wore on, the sass act quickly wore off to reveal the sweetest and funniest kids. They loved to sing for us (mostly gospel songs and disney) and draw us sweet cards. Everyday I got lots of hugs and big smiles. Everyday was better than the one before.

Yva knows she is cute.
Jessica and I were subbing in for an absent teacher so we got to teach the Bible lessons. It was so fun hearing what they thought about verses and talking to them about Jesus. Especially as the week goes on. You just love them so much that you want them to have a relationship with Christ and to grow up knowing him.

On Thursday, we took a field trip to the park. I was worried the day would drag on, but they are pretty easy to please. I'm telling you, these girls are the best. When they have to wait, they were always patient and loved to talk to each other instead of complaining. However, they did tell me on the two block walk home that their legs were going to fall off. I had no sympathy...

It was really tough to leave on Friday. My hardest goodbye was Shiniya. She was so quiet at the beginning of the week and my goal was for her to open up. Jessica and I gave her lots of attention, and by the end of the week she was dancing and joking and laughing with us. Her laugh was my favorite because it sounded too big to come from her little body and it took over her face.

Shiniya & I
When it was time to go, she hugged me really tight around my neck and I spun her around, but when I put her down she wouldn't move her arms. It was all I could do not to straight up weep when she told me in her quiet voice that she didn't want me to leave.

"This sign means deuces." Thanks, girl. 

"Let me take the picture!"

When the three year old takes over the camera.

I miss these kids a lot already. Please pray for them and the other team that gets to serve at the Bethel VBS this week. And for my team as we get to serve at the Pui Tak Center!

Other great things that happened this week:

Should really be a National Holiday. We left home at 6:15 am to get some free chicken before we had to be at our sites. When we first arrived, no one knew it was Cow Appreciation, including most of the employees. People were really amazed by us and random customers were taking our picture. And THERE WAS NO CHICKEN. I sat there like a cow for a while until I was able to order.

Eventually, we got our chicken biscuits and all was well.

Anything for the free chicken.



On Saturday morning, we handed out water bottles at the Taste of Chicago and got to meet lots of cool people and have solid conversations. For dinner we ate some really good tacos in Wicker Park and walked along the Magnificent Mile. The weather was GLORIOUS and Chicago was really showing off how pretty she is.

I have two and half weeks left here and that's too hard to think about right now. On Thursday, I briefly go home for a Teaching Fellows Conference and so my time has been shortened even more. However, there is still a lot of time left for wonderful things to happen! I hope your week gets off to a great start!


Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore 

The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

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