Thursday, February 28, 2013

why i'm writing.

I love blogs.

It's true.

I can spend way too much time browsing other people's lives. Scrolling through the wonderful places people get to live and their level of craftiness, which I don't think I'll ever achieve.

A lot of times these blogs bring inspiration, and other times they bring about the dangerous habit of comparison. The thinking of "I could never do that" or "My life will never look this way." When in reality, bloggers are usually just sharing the happy parts. Not to say their lives aren't wonderful, but everyone's story is a little messy.

But I'm not writing to gain a following or to try to make myself look cooler. Honestly, it kind of freaks me out to have people read what I write because it makes me feel pretty vulnerable.

I'm writing to cultivate gratitude in my own life. To write about the beautiful life I have right now, instead of constantly hoping for what could lie ahead. To be able to look back and get excited about all God has done. He's already put me in the mountains with a bunch of wonderful people. So far it's pretty great.

I never would of started this blog if I hadn't been given the incredible opportunity to go Chicago, IL with Cru this summer. For eight weeks we will be partnering with different urban ministries to share the love of Christ with the people in Chicago. This is something radically different than anything I've ever done before, and needless to say I'm pretty nervous.

I want to share what's going on mostly for those people who are supporting me this summer through prayer and resources. I'm so thankful for you!!!! 

So thanks for reading this!

 I'm hoping to not just write y'all to death, but to share my experiences!

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